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Conifer Podcast presents a weekly expose of key organizations, business and individuals who are making a difference.
Conifer Radio is now creating On-demand access to its Podcasts and weekly productions.
Conifer Podcast productions are available for the past 10 weeks.
The presentations of the individuals and organizations on Conifer Podcast are donated and are the intellectual property of the presenters. The opinions expressed within the content of these podcasts are solely the presenters’ and do not reflect the opinions and beliefs of Conifer Radio or its affiliates.
Conifer Podcast presents Chamber Chat for the First Quarter of 2025
We continue our US 285 Corridor regular feature we call Chamber Chat. We bring together leaders from our local area Chambers to discuss “What’s happening” in our US 285 Corridor and how you can participate and make a difference. We are featuring from Studio at the Museum, Mr. Bill Aubin of our Conifer Area Chamber of Commerce and Mark Linne of our Platte Canyon Area Chamber of Commerce. By way of introduction, Mr. Bill Aubin, President of the Chamber for 2024 and Founder and CEO of Optive Commercial Capital is our local commercial financing expert here in Conifer. Mark Linne is President of our Platte Canyon Area Chamber and owns three vibrant businesses in the Bailey area including Deer Creek Secure Self Storage, Delwood Liquors and Mudslingers Drive-thru Coffee. Regretfully missing from our conversation was Beth Schneider of the Conifer Chamber who will join us next time. We missed you Beth! Please join us for this regular monthly feature of Chamber Chat.
Click the Picture to hear the pocast:
Conifer Podcast presents The Conifer Historical Society's Oral History Program
Conifer Radio has been pleased to be a part of the CHSM -Conifer Historical Society and Museum's - Oral History Program. Our CHSM Oral Histories program captures - in audio format - the stories of our "elder states-persons" (us folk who have lived up here for many years) and the stories of our mountain community culture. For the benefit of our newer residents, these stories bring forward the 'look-back' on how Conifer has changed and how important it is to preserve why we love living up here. We had in Studio at the Museum Ms. Erin Thatcher, President of CHSM, Ms. Carla Mink, Vice President, and Mr. Bret Roller who joins us as an Oral Histories Volunteer to present how fun and meaningful this program has been thus far. We are inviting those of you who would like to nominate a deserving resident to this program to go to www.ConiferHistoricalSociety.org to submit the name as a deserving Oral Histories participant.
Click the Picture to hear the pocast:
From November 18, 2024 Conifer Podcast presents Mr. Justin Hayslett who is “Impacting Orphans Across the Globe”
From November of 2024, recorded live in Conifer Radio’s Studio at the Museum we were with Justin’s father Mr. Ed Hayslett, along with Justin Hayslett from a mobile studio feed where we produced a father-son recognition of Justin’s very good work with his nonprofit, “Legacy Refuge.” By way of introduction, Justin and his wife Alaya Hayslett are the founders of Legacy Refuge, a nonprofit that supports a mission to see every orphan come to faith in Christ, adopted, and empowered to live a healthy productive life and reach their God given potential. Folks, this is a special story about a ministry serving Ukrainian orphans amongst all sorts of other good works that have followed in this amazing story of courage, faith and meaningful action.
Click the picture to the right to listen to the November 2024 Podcast:
Coffee on the Corridor and Conifer Podcast features a great conversation with Elizabeth Murphree and Tara Singapuri respectively of Woof, Hoof Mew and Guided Goat Hikes
On behalf of Conifer and our entire US 285 corridor, we recognize two special guests who joined us in Studio at the Museum; Elizabeth Murphree and Tara Singapuri of Woof Hoof Mew and Guided Goat Hikes, respectively. Folks, we’ve hosted some unique individuals and organizations here at the radio station, but I think these organization titles are at the top of the ‘unique list!’ A great set of stories of our very special corridor residents who demonstrate how special it is to work with others of our mountain communities.
Please click on the picture to the right to listen to their Coffee on th Corridor presentation.